Homemaker Care

With age comes frailty, making many everyday tasks physically challenging for seniors. Our Homemaker program provides the support they need for those essential tasks such as meal preparation and shopping, while enabling them to remain in the familiar and comfortable surroundings of their own home.

We are here to help when you need us
  • On call 24/7 for client needs
  • Flexible and fast scheduling
  • Regular quality assurance
  • Thorough care management and family support

Have questions?

Your local team of Client Care Managers are on call 24/7 to answer your questions and work with you to design a customized plan of care that is right for you.

Contact Us Today

Our Homemaker services

Our homemaker clients are typically capable of performing their most personal activities, including showering and bathroom visits; but their physical frailty makes extended activities, such as shopping and going to appointments with their doctor, too great a challenge to manage alone.

Personal care
  • Medication reminders
  • Safety and fall prevention
  • Status reporting to family
  • 24/7 Monitoring after a procedure or hospital stay
  • Bathing, dressing and grooming assistance
  • Transfers between bed and wheelchair
  • Assistance with walking
  • Toileting and incontinence care
  • Transportation to doctor appointments
  • Prescription pick-up
Lifestyle support
  • Participation in client’s hobbies and interests
  • Social interaction
  • Transportation to social and recreational activities
  • Assistance with light exercise and outdoor activity
  • Errands and grocery shopping
  • Meal preparation and nutrition
  • Bed-making, changing bed linens and doing laundry
  • Light housekeeping